Tuesday, April 22, 2008

week 4 part 4

Spring break will be amazing…Ok so I am so excited about spring break!!! My friends and I are going to Panama City, and I know that it is so clichĂ© but being from California I have never been east of Memphis. You can name any state to the west and I have been there, but for some reason my family never felt the urge to go to the eastern side of the country. This is kind of sad because I have always wanted to go to New York and the entire East Coast. Well, anyways spring break is March first, for those of you who didn't know that. I can not wait planning an entire week without parents makes me feel so grown up, and my friends and I all love to have a good time. You know if I am there it will be fun, no mater what. I have wanted a job, but now that I am seeing people not get to go on a spring break trip I am not to sure if I really want one now. I could really use the extra cash and it would help my parents out a little bit, because I know I spend way more than what I should. I just can't help it, it’s in my nature...I love to shop!!!Words 217

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