Tuesday, April 22, 2008

multiple intelligences...

In Gardner's eight theories' of intelligences I looked over them and instantly thought I knew that most of them applied to me, although after taking the test online I quickly saw just how true this was. My two highest scores were actually a tie and they happened to be spatial and intrapersonal. In the text and online spatial is described as being able to see things three dimensionally in your mind easily. Along with this ability come, many occupations I had considered before such as architect and photographer. Although I believe, my other top score of intrapersonal more accurately describes me. It is defined as the ability to understand and effectively interact with others (1). These types of people often use empathy to help others and to solve problems (2). As well as to discriminate and interpret among different kinds of interpersonal clues, and to influence and inspire others to work toward a common goal (2). This is quite interesting to me because it states that these type of people are often nurses and doctors, which my major right now is biology/ pre-med. I realized not long ago how much this is true about me and how much I enjoy helping others (3). My two lowest scores would be musical and intrapersonal. Although I am quite good at helping others, I am not so good at knowing myself. I have never really understood how I think of function, and on an emotional level, it is quite often neglected. As far as music goes, I enjoy listening to it and can tell you the words of a song quickly, but the rhythm, tone or melody I could not even begin to tell you when it is correct or off tune. According to the test, an occupation that is well suited for me would be a doctor or a nurse. I almost laughed when I read on about it because I have been often thinking if I wanted to stay a biology/ pre-med major or switch to nursing. I know most people think well just go all the way and be a doctor, but it is much more than that (3). I have seen how the nurses get more personal with the individual patients more so than the doctors and I would enjoy a more one on one relationship with my patients. I guess that in my mind I would like to be the next Patch Adams and be able to know, and interact with all of patients. This would v fit my strengths and weaknesses of my multiple personality traits because I also scored fairly well in the area of body-kinetics and mathematical-science skills (2). I would be helping the body and manipulating it to gain better health, while using science to carry out the precision and science of medicine. I am sure by now that you can probably tell where I stand on Gardner's theory of eight intelligences. His theory seemed to be so exact for me and what I want to do with my life. I can honestly say that before taking the test I was a bit iffy if his theory could actually work, but now seeing where I lye on the charts I am convinced that his theory is correct. Works Cited:1) Textbook2) http://www.mitest.com/omultint.htm3) http://online.onetcenter.org/find/

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