Tuesday, April 22, 2008

part two of music essay...really though read it

young ages more pathways are created thus leaving permanent new thinking patterns for the individual. These new thinking patterns are especially helpful in mathematics, science and composing music.
As we get older classical music can still have positive effects on our reasoning skills. “Listening to classical music can improve our spatial reasoning, at least for a short time. And learning to play an instrument may have an even longer effect on certain thinking skills” (Diane Bales, PhD). So not only is it good for your baby to hear the classical music but it stimulates your mind as well. Our spatial reasoning skills help us with being able to visualize three dimensions and manipulate objects to solve problems. This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture, engineering, science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life. Although, our improved spatial skills fade about an hour after we stop listening to the music. When, learning to play an instrument can have longer-lasting effects on spatial reasoning. “In several studies, children who took piano lessons for six months improved their ability to work puzzles and solve other spatial tasks by as much as 30 percent,” (Diane Bales, PhD). Although there has been tons of research on the extent of the powe music has on the body many revealing scientific experiments, studies, and research projects have been performed. Up until 1970, most of the research done on music had to do with studying the effects of the beat of the music. “It was found that slow music could slow the heartbeat and the breathing rate as well as bring down blood pressure. Faster music was found to speed up these same body measurements,” (2). This is just one way in which music can have such powerful effects over our bodies. The important component of

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