Tuesday, April 22, 2008

week 4 part 3

February…My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while now and he knows that when a special occasion comes up he needs to get me something good, because I always give him extravagant gifts. Well, I kind of feel bad for him this month. He has always had to worry about the holidays, but now he has Valentines Day, my birthday and our eighteen month anniversary all within a week of each other. The poor boy better pull some major strings and or just get one really good gift. I know I sound kind of rude, but I think I deserve it, after all I did get a really crappy Christmas gift from him. It’s a long story, and we were having problems but still I am still hurt by it, even though I won’t say anything to him I am pissed. Os now he has got to make it up to me. I told him I what I wanted, I want this ring and it’s so cute. It has diamonds on the sides and in the middle wrapped around it it says love and the metal is frosted looking. It is so cute, and I don’t want it to be like a promise ring or an engagement or anything like that. I honestly just want it plain and simple, but I don’t think he understood what I meant. He took it as I want a commitment from you and I want it now, but honestly I just want it because I am a girl and I love jewelry.Words: 260

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