Friday, April 25, 2008


My feelings right now:
Love, such a mysterious word. It has been tangled around so much that I think some have forgotten its true meaning. Some have even forgotten how to love, and that is just plain sad. Although there are those that have tried to love and have been rejected. Those that can not help but feel that certain feeling where you know you would do anything in the world for them, and sadly knowing that you are nothing more to them than another person to spend time with and have fun playing around. To that person you are nothing more than a page in the book, where as to you this is the whole book. Why is it that one must be hurt so many times and yet still not truly know what it feels like to share a bond so pure, so true that noting could come between them. Not even distance or the wind, nothing.
i wrote this in a time of confusion in my life. i was hurt by many past relationships and wondering where my future would end up. i can only hope that the one i love can return the favor to me someday. i want to be te princess in the fairy tales that has prince charming come sweep me off my feet. i know that is a little far fetched but it would be nice if love was that easy. it seems like sometimes love is not enough, there has to be something more. you can love someone with all your heart and they can feel the same towards you, but somethimes its just not ment to be, and that is what hurts so bad.

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