Sunday, February 24, 2008


so the game was yesterday, and it was a great game both teams played really hard. although it would have been better if the referee's wern't blind, amking rediculous calls, but thats a story all in itself. i have never been one for sports and honestly before this semester i had never even watched enough to know what was going on...but the thing that makes me mad is after the game all the fans were pissed off at everyone, including the team some were even crying over the game! i just don't undersand how supportive you can be one minute and so unsupportive the next?! i screamed for our boys up till that last wistle blew, and i still believe in them and they are all amazing basket ball players. we should still be proud of them, they are now number two in the nation but guys thats everywhere! do you know how many schools would love to have that title?! our boys are all great athletes and they still need our support! yeah i understand that we all waited a rediculous amount of time in order to get into that game but all in all i think it was way worth it. i had so much fun!!! i arrived there with one hour of sleep at 3:30am and waited in line all day long. I litteraly watched the sun rise and fall in line to get into the game. We got back from the game around eleven thirthy so that means i was at the fed ex forum for 20 hours yesterday!!! wow, like i said i had never even really liked sports before!!! I guess it all changes when it gets personal. we go to class with these boys! thats so neat, they are a huge deal in te sports world!!! i still love our boys!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Superstitions may not only be urban legends passed on from generation to generation, they may also be learned by operant conditioning. In operant conditioning there is a reward for the good and a removal of reward for the bad. In other words the operant conditioning is a way of learning where the consequence of behavior changes the probability of that particular behaviors occurrence (1). Some common examples of superstitions include black cats are bad luck, or breaking a mirror or wearing lucky shirt (2) some even argue that humans are not the only species with superstitions, Skinner states that he believes that pigeons are also superstitious (3). My best friend in high school had lucky panties and she would always wear them for any test or any important day. She once told me that she forgot her lucky panties and left school before her test to go home and get them. This superstition could have been formed by operant conditioning because the positive response is her grades increased when wearing her lucky panties. The negative would be that she would freak out so badly if she did not have her lucky panties on that she would do a lot worse on her tests. This is a mind over matter situation, in which the panties never had the answers to her test in them, but they gave her the belief that she would do well. Although this superstition seems silly to the rest of us, to her this was no laughing matter. She really thought that without her lucky panties that she would fail her tests. Now, this superstition could be reversed with operant conditioning as well. All you would have to do is prove that her panties weren’t magical and they didn’t help her get an A on her test. So one day she has a pop quiz or a test she forgot about, and once she proves to herself that the power wasn’t in her lucky panties but in her mind, then she could overcome this superstition.

Altruism is behavior that exemplifies a lack of selfishness. In its purest form altruism is an act of true kindness to the fullest degree such as giving your life for another person (Santrock 16). Although people are seldom altruistic in our society today, it is one quality of true human kindness. Without altruism humans would just be another species, altruistic actions truly separate humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. According to Darwin, behaviors that favor reproducing are much more likely to be passed on from generation to generation, much more so than altruistic acts (Santrock 16). Well, this only makes sense because if a human leapt out in front of a speeding bullet, most likely that human would no longer reproduce in order to give its offspring their genetic trait of altruism. Although, altruism isn’t necessarily a genetic trait, as Darwin had seemed to believe, it is one that can be taught as well. If our culture would implement altruism more so, our society would be less self oriented.
Although you don’t hear about many acts of altruism in our society today there is always a few moments when you were completely selfless, and I remember my first encounter of altruism. I actually acted in an altruistic fashion. When I was younger I remember my parent’s friend’s daughter was swimming in our pool. Even though I didn’t like this little girl, when I noticed she wasn’t coming up for air I jumped right in after her. I was struggling to pull her and I both up to the surface and I remember at one point I thought I was going to drown with her. I never once thought of myself when going in after her, I remember that day as if it were yesterday and I know at that moment I had not even an ounce of selfishness in me. To me that is a pure act of altruism, for a little girl to jump in after someone she didn’t like and barely knew knowing that she could barely swim herself.

my confusing body....

ok so i have been in and out of the doctors office all week long. i recently discovered a lump on my left breast and it was a real scare, especially because my mom's close friend just recovered from breast cancer. well, i went to the health center on tuesday and they gave me an antibiotic that contained pennicillian which i am highly allergic to. yeah, long story but it was hell. anyways i was misereable, i had a rash all over my body. i was in more pain than before. well anyways back to my lump on my breast, it was a cyst and they told me i had to have it cut put or else it would never get better and i would be stuck with this forever. i was so uncomfortable that i couldn't leep at all anymore. so i ahd to go to my doctor to get it cut out and i was in the doctors office all day long wednesday, and they took my blood, gave me a shot in the butt and put me on some more antibiotics. the antibiotics main side effect was mood swings and that was lovely. well then i went in thursday and the doctor said that it could be cut out now. so i lay there wide awake and can feel everything as she digs around and pulls it out. i now have gause covering a hole the size of a golf ball on my breast and am completly druged up on pain killers. as soon as they wear off i am in such bad pain that i litterally woke up screaming the other night. this has been a mierable week.


ok so I know that this has absolutly nothing to do with my paper, but I am in a rough patch in my life right now. I just broke up with my boyfriend of 18 months because he wasn't giving me the attention i needed. i know that it sounds ridiculous, but i feel like if he truly cared about me he would want me around more than what he acted. dont get me wrong i love him to death but at the same time i can not be with someone that doesn't care about anything. i am a vary goal driven oriented person and he just doesn't give a flip about anything. i know this is kind of wierd but he is still my best friend. we have been friends forever and now that we are broken up our friendshiop has only gotton stronger. I care about him to the point that I want him to be happy, nad vice versa. everyone else thinks that this is a problem that we are still best friends, but I don't think it is a bad idea. I love my friends but at the same time i just wish that they would could understand. I am so confused with my own feelings so i guess i cant expect them to understand as well. I just want him to know how much I still care about him. I am happy though, this is a step forward..its just a hard step to make...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

no matter what....

Do you ever have one of those days where it seems like nothing you do is ever right, and no matter how hard you try you dont seem to get ahead? well that is basically how my day is going, i have this huge checklist of all the things that need to be done by tonight and although i have checked a lot of them off, i haven't seemed to get anywhere. i still have a million and one things to do. I hate how classes will go forever with nothing due and then all in one week they pile it all up on you. its like could i hve any more things do in one week, ohhh yeah i have that also. it almost seems like ypur professors do not care about how many other things you have to do. they all believe that thier class is the most important and that you should devote all of your time into that class. last week, my chem class had a quiz wednesday and a test on friday! then on top of that I had two papers due in psycology and a paper for my music class as well. then i remembered on sunday that my blogs wern't turned in. I was not happy. it's not that i do not want to write but a lot of the times i run out of ideas esspecially on my topic. I can't seem to find a memphis blog on health care. have any of you?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

get the vote out essay...

Stephanie Otte
February 11th, 2008
English 1020
Words: 827
Get the vote out

I couldn’t have agreed more to this article. This article immediately triggered my thoughts on my voting habits. I am one of the many Americans who choose not to vote because I do not have the time or the knowledge to vote with the best abilities. I believe that if I am going to cast a vote for who is going to be running the country in which I live than I should know a lot more about them than their slogan. I also think that there are many more people in this country far more educated than me in which I trust to vote for whom they believe is right for the position. I also think that it is my right to not vote because honestly I do not want to have to choose between the better of the two evils. I do not know enough about their platforms or about their beliefs to make an educated vote in either direction and I will not be one of the guessing voters who just picks the names that sound the most familiar. In my mind the speaker is someone like me, who does not cast votes and is annoyed by all the people feeling forced to make poor judgment on their voting. The speaker is talking to all Americans telling them that they do not have to vote and that they shouldn’t vote unless they feel educated enough on the issue. I believe that the speaker is a little on the republican side just because he uses an example involving their parties name and the remark wasn’t a negative one. But according to the phrase “get out the vote” which he stated came from Lincoln; he seems to be a fan of Abraham Lincoln and seems to be pretty loyal to him.
The phrases that go something like vote now or you may never vote again, or this may be your last chance is a foolish way to make the non voter crowd eel obligated to cast their vote, educated or not. This is similar to the “get the vote out” slogan and I believe that the phrases are intended for the same audience. Once again the message is to vote, no matter what. All of these messages are directed to the same group of people, the non voters. Although the “get the vote out” slogan may be intended for a larger group of people than the “now or never” slogans, in my eyes they are saying the same thing, and bringing the same message to Americans that choose not to vote.
In the end, this article is arguing the right to chose whether or not to vote, and that voting is a privilege. Being a privilege we as Americans can choose to vote or not to vote and it is our right to do so. This article was written for those Americans such as my self that choose not to vote and believe that it is their right to be able to choose. In my eyes it is worse to cast a foolish ballot than to not cast one at all. at least if we do not make uneducated guesses it leaves more room for those who do know enough about the candidates to make the correct decision for our country. I hate how much pressure others try to put on those that do not vote, I is just as much my right to choose not to vote as it is you’re to choose to vote. I don’t go around saying that you shouldn’t vote, but if you do not know what you’re voting on than why risk voting for the wrong candidate.
The date in which this article was written took me by surprise, because I had thought that in the fifties most Americans wanted to vote. I have never thought of Americans not wanting to have some say in their countries leaders in this time frame. In 1955 it was the start of the civil rights movement and people were fighting for their rights to vote. This seems somewhat ironic to me to think that one group of people were demanding the right to vote while others did not want to exercise their right to cast a vote. Although in the article it seems like other around the non voter crowd are somewhat pushy and that gives away how the surroundings and culture was in the fifties. It is especially interesting to me that in the article it mentions making a vote mandatory and that if you did not vote you could possibly end up in jail in the future. Now that it is sixty years or so later from the article there is more and more citizens that choose not to cast a ballot. I find this remarkable that people were actually scared of going to jail for not voting, because like I said it is a privilege to vote not a demand.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blogs week 4

Viva Las Vegas…
I was not in class on Thursday of this week because I flew out to Las Vegas with my best friend and his mom. I have been having so much fun but I never realized how much I spend. I came here with a lot of cash and have been shopping non stop. If you did not know, there is a ton of malls under all of the casinos in Vegas. I spent five hours in one mall today and now that I am back. I have been looking though my stuff, and I really didn’t buy that much stuff, but if I didn’t buy that much where did all my money go? I have never really understood how much money I blow off on food, and simple little things. It really is ridiculous. I have eaten twice today and have spent forty five dollars on food alone. I didn’t even eat out at a nice place either. Food is really over priced, especially in tourist areas. I am extremely happy with what I did buy; I got a wallet to match my coach purse, and some Betsey Johnson sunglasses and earrings, I also got some shirts at h and m, some nick knacks at the abc store as well as a guess bracelet that I just adore and a pair of diesel tennis shoes.
Words: 225

My mini vacation…
My little vacation right in the middle of school has been amazing to just get away from my life for a little bit but now that I have been here I am beginning to wonder if this is really a vacation or just a detour? My life has been pretty hectic the last few weeks and I came on this vacation to get away from all of that, but all I have been doing is going non stop. I feel like I just need to step away from everything and just breathe. I know that sounds kind of weird but its true. The more I try to escape the responsibilities of my life the more I seem to have. I love being a college student, but sometimes I miss being taken care of and not having to worry about getting my school work done and making sure everything is taken care of before I can truly relax. Now that I am away from Memphis, I really miss it although I just moved there in August, to me it is home. I don’t know why but my group of friend’s there feels more like family than anything else in my life. I honestly do not know how I survived eighteen years of my life without them. They are my rock, and without my girls I would just die.
Words: 227

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while now and he knows that when a special occasion comes up he needs to get me something good, because I always give him extravagant gifts. Well, I kind of feel bad for him this month. He has always had to worry about the holidays, but now he has Valentines Day, my birthday and our eighteen month anniversary all within a week of each other. The poor boy better pull some major strings and or just get one really good gift. I know I sound kind of rude, but I think I deserve it, after all I did get a really crappy Christmas gift from him. It’s a long story, and we were having problems but still I am still hurt by it, even though I won’t say anything to him I am pissed. Os now he has got to make it up to me. I told him I what I wanted, I want this ring and it’s so cute. It has diamonds on the sides and in the middle wrapped around it it says love and the metal is frosted looking. It is so cute, and I don’t want it to be like a promise ring or an engagement or anything like that. I honestly just want it plain and simple, but I don’t think he understood what I meant. He took it as I want a commitment from you and I want it now, but honestly I just want it because I am a girl and I love jewelry.
Words: 260

Spring break will be amazing…
Ok so I am so excited about spring break!!! My friends and I are going to Panama City, and I know that it is so cliché but being from California I have never been east of Memphis. You can name any state to the west and I have been there, but for some reason my family never felt the urge to go to the eastern side of the country. This is kind of sad because I have always wanted to go to New York and the entire East Coast. Well, anyways spring break is March first, for those of you who didn't know that. I can not wait planning an entire week without parents makes me feel so grown up, and my friends and I all love to have a good time. You know if I am there it will be fun, no mater what. I have wanted a job, but now that I am seeing people not get to go on a spring break trip I am not to sure if I really want one now. I could really use the extra cash and it would help my parents out a little bit, because I know I spend way more than what I should. I just can't help it, it’s in my nature...I love to shop!!!
Words 217

In n out and Del taco…
I was born and raised in California where they have the best fast food places in the world. There is this hamburger place that has been around since the fifties and it is still the best hamburgers in the world. All the movie stars in Las Angeles go to eat there, and it is called In n Out. They make their hamburgers fresh and never add fat to increase flavor only natural ingredients. It is the bomb when it comes to hamburgers. Well the reason I am writing about them is because there is also one in Las Vegas, and since I am here I want to take full advantage of it. I can not wait, we are going to have lunch there today and it will be amazing. My mouth is watering just thinking about it now. Another great west coast place to eat is Del Taco and it is amazing. They have both hamburgers and Mexican food all in one. It is kind of like mixing Mc Donald’s and Taco Bell all at once. If you order a numbered meal you will get for instance a burrito fries and a drink. It may sound odd to you but I grew up with this. It is the best. They also have killer shakes that make you want to become a milkoholic. We haven’t had time to go eat there yet, but trus me before we leave we will be making a stop there as well. I know I sound like a complete fat ass right now going on about fast food, but you never realize how much you miss something until its gone. When I moved away to texas and now to Memphis there is nothing that compares to these two places to eat. It is like they put crack in the food or something to make you addicted.
Words: 310

Friday, February 1, 2008

health care statistics....

Emergency DepartmentVisit Data
Annual Number of Visits to Hospital Emergency Departments: United States, 1992-2005
Data from the 2005 NHAMCS
The following figures were excerpted from:
Nawar EW, Niska RW, Xu J. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2005 Emergency Department Summary. Advance data from vital and health statistics; no. 386. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2007.
Figure 1. Trends in numbers of emergency departments and related visits: United States, 1995-2005
Figure 2. Trends in emergency department visit rates by patient age: United States, 1995-2005
Figure 3. Annual rate of emergency department visits by patient age, race, and ethnicity: United States, 2005
Figure 4. Annual rate of emergency department visits by expected source payment: United States, 2005
Figure 5. Number of ambulance transports to emergency departments: United States, 1995-2005

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESCenters for Disease Control and PreventionNational Center for Health StatisticsHyattsville, MD207821-800-232-4636


these statistics are scary and our country needs to do something about it fast, or we will continue to get worse health care provided and continue down the path to debt and illness. I know that this blog does not show the carts but the link does and the blog outlines the charts on the link. It is rediculous how much our country spends on health care, yet the citizens never actually see the improvements.

I even found abill to be passed for national health care...

this is just a section of it but you can clearly see the benefits of this bill being passed!!!

24 (a) IN GENERAL.—All individuals residing in the
25 United States (including any territory of the United
26 States) are covered under the USNHI Program entitling
VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:13 Jan 27, 2007 Jkt 059200 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H676.IH H676 ccoleman on PROD1PC69 with BILLS
•HR 676 IH
1 them to a universal, best quality standard of care. Each
2 such individual shall receive a card with a unique number
3 in the mail. An individual’s social security number shall
4 not be used for purposes of registration under this section.
5 (b) REGISTRATION.—Individuals and families shall
6 receive a United States National Health Insurance Card
7 in the mail, after filling out a United States National
8 Health Insurance application form at a health care pro9
vider. Such application form shall be no more than 2 pages
10 long.
11 (c) PRESUMPTION.—Individuals who present them12
selves for covered services from a participating provider
13 shall be presumed to be eligible for benefits under this Act,
14 but shall complete an application for benefits in order to
15 receive a United States National Health Insurance Card
16 and have payment made for such benefits.
18 (a) IN GENERAL.—The health insurance benefits
19 under this Act cover all medically necessary services, in20
cluding at least the following:
21 (1) Primary care and prevention.
22 (2) Inpatient care.
23 (3) Outpatient care.
24 (4) Emergency care.
25 (5) Prescription drugs.
VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:13 Jan 27, 2007 Jkt 059200 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H676.IH H676 ccoleman on PROD1PC69 with BILLS
•HR 676 IH
1 (6) Durable medical equipment.
2 (7) Long term care.
3 (8) Mental health services.
4 (9) The full scope of dental services (other than
5 cosmetic dentistry).
6 (10) Substance abuse treatment services.
7 (11) Chiropractic services.
8 (12) Basic vision care and vision correction
9 (other than laser vision correction for cosmetic pur10
11 (13) Hearing services, including coverage of
12 hearing aids.
13 (b) PORTABILITY.—Such benefits are available
14 through any licensed health care clinician anywhere in the
15 United States that is legally qualified to provide the bene16
17 (c) NO COST-SHARING.—No deductibles, copay18
ments, coinsurance, or other cost-sharing shall be imposed
19 with respect to covered benefits.

I can not believe that america has not already passed a bill such as this, this could litterally solve a ton of americas problems including helth care, poverty, and even crime!

amazing article i found!!!

I found this article and it has great facts that I can use in my paper later on.
"Our Mission: Single-Payer National Health Insurance
Greg Silver, MD (Fl.)
The U.S. spends twice as much as other industrialized nations on health care, $7,129 per capita. Yet our system performs poorly in comparison and still leaves 47 million without health coverage and millions more inadequately covered.
This is because private insurance bureaucracy and paperwork consume one-third (31 percent) of every health care dollar. Streamlining payment through a single nonprofit payer would save more than $350 billion per year, enough to provide comprehensive, high-quality coverage for all Americans.
The reason we spend more and get less than the rest of the world is because we have a patchwork system of for-profit payers. Private insurers necessarily waste health dollars on things that have nothing to do with care: overhead, underwriting, billing, sales and marketing departments as well as huge profits and exorbitant executive pay. Doctors and hospitals must maintain costly administrative staffs to deal with the bureaucracy. Combined, this needless administration consumes one-third (31 percent) of Americans’ health dollars.
Single-payer financing is the only way to recapture this wasted money. The potential savings on paperwork, more than $350 billion per year, are enough to provide comprehensive coverage to everyone without paying any more than we already do.
Under a single-payer system, all Americans would be covered for all medically necessary services, including: doctor, hospital, long-term care, mental health, dental, vision, prescription drug and medical supply costs. Patients would regain free choice of doctor and hospital, and doctors would regain autonomy over patient care.
Physicians would be paid fee-for-service according to a negotiated formulary or receive salary from a hospital or nonprofit HMO / group practice. Hospitals would receive a global budget for operating expenses. Health facilities and expensive equipment purchases would be managed by regional health planning boards.
A single-payer system would be financed by eliminating private insurers and recapturing their administrative waste. Modest new taxes would replace premiums and out-of-pocket payments currently paid by individuals and business. Costs would be controlled through negotiated fees, global budgeting and bulk purchasing."

medical needs

ok, so I am writing my paper on the medical issues that our country has. I find it quite interesting how our country thinks it can solve every other countries problems when we have millions of problems on our own. Our government neeeds to realize that our medical programs are not enough. I believe that every person in our country that is going to school should get free medical insurance and that every person working should have the option of medical insurance. Then maybe our peole could get the medicine they need and deserve in order to overcome thier sicknesses and live healthy normal lives. if people would get adequete helth care needs then there would be less poverty in america and in turn less crime. the number one reason people are in debt in america today is medical bills. only the wealthy can recieve the proper mecal attention in this country and it has got to come to an end. If people could stop worring about paying off doctor bills and hospital bills than they could more easily get thier lives together and buy a home and make enough income to support themselves. this is one reason I want to have a profession in the medical field, because then I know that myself and ,y family will have the health care needed. also, in turn I can help those that do go to get medical help. Ican not wait for the day that I get to help others overcome thier sicknesses.

Worst day of my life!!!!

ok, so I know we are supposed to write about our topics this week, but as you can see I have not yet wrote any blogs this week, and I want you all to know just how horrible my week started out. ok so saturday morning at 7:30 am I had to get up to go to the adpi house to meet our new alphas and go to the game for our bid day activities. well, being the southern california girl that I am had no idea that ice was on the ground and on your cars. so i walk outside to go get in my truck and i slipp and fall. not only did I fall on the brick steps on my back, but hten when I attemp to get up from my hard fall, i can not move my back at all. I couldn't get up so I had to lay on the side walk until someone came along...ten minutes later! She helped me up and over to the bar where I pulled myself up. I realized then that I could not move the entire right side of my back and my right leg. So I had my friend help me to my truck, where I couldn't drive it becauuse there was ice all over the winshield. she knew what to do and helped me scrap the ice off th e windshield so I could go to the adpi house. well by the time i got there it was to late and everyone had already left to go to the game. so I drive over to the game and everyone is mad at me because I wasn't at the house in time. Hello...i freaking broke my back!!!! seriously, i was pissed by then. then, we stand outside in the freezing weather for two and a half hours to get into the game! mind you I was in excrutiating pain the entire time, couldn't move and was tired. then we get into the game and I need to take some medicine for the pain so my friend brittany and I go and get a bottle of water. they take the lid off and throw it away, I asked for lid back and they said I couldn't have it in the seats. so i got o my seat and the second i put the bottle of water in the cup holder and sit down the girl next to me knocks it over and the ENTIRE bottle of water spills ALL OVER ME!!! I was soaked from head to toe!!! and I didn't even get to take advil or tylenol yet. swo now I am crippled, tired, in pain, and soaked! I wait until halftime and by then I just want to go home and go to bed and get medicine for my back. so I leave early to beat the traffic, and I get to my truck and it has a boot on the back tire with a note saying that I didn't put money in the slot for my parking place, which i did put money in there. It must have been the wrong slot. so I have to call this number to have this guy come tale it off and I have to pay 75 dollars upfront in order for him to come take it off. I was pissed! I still couldn't even move my back until this afternoon, and now i am bruising everywhere!!! I have been miserable all week long!!!